Saturday, April 7, 2007

Is There A Serial Killer In Utica?

I spent some time out with friends last night, and during a discussion of the Pylman investigation one of the guys brought up the idea that a serial killer may be operating in and around the Utica area.

This isn't exactly a new idea, but he suggested there may be more victims involved than Jennifer Bennet and Michelle Hutchings. I have my doubts, since it appears both Bennet and Hutchings knew the same group of people and weren't just similar in terms of sharing a victim profile (slim, white female, mid 20's, brunette, liked to party), but he did offer up some vague details of a woman that matched their description who was found dead in a hot tub. Based on that I couldn't find anything about the case through Google, but if anyone has a clue what he was talking about I'd appreciate an email. You can get the address through the profile link to the left.